Posts Tagged: police

“Fraternité” contre la police politique / “Fraternity” Against Political Police

Invitation : Joignez-vous à la Fraternité Contre La Police Politique / Faire prendre votre photo d’abonnement et recevez votre carte de membre. Join the Fraternity Against Political Police / Have your membership photo taken and receive your membership card. HOWL!

“Fraternité” contre la police politique / “Fraternity” Against Political Police

Invitation : Joignez-vous à la Fraternité Contre La Police Politique / Faire prendre votre photo d’abonnement et recevez votre carte de membre. Join the Fraternity Against Political Police / Have your membership photo taken and receive your membership card. HOWL!

Activating oppositional artefact found in large Montréal demo against austerity

[en traduction vers le français] Yesterday, March 2, 2015, I walked along downtown  streets with about 75,000 other people in Montréal’s anti-austerity demonstration. My bike is clean as I ride it for the first time this spring down St-Urbain street

Activating oppositional artefact found in large Montréal demo against austerity

[en traduction vers le français] Yesterday, March 2, 2015, I walked along downtown  streets with about 75,000 other people in Montréal’s anti-austerity demonstration. My bike is clean as I ride it for the first time this spring down St-Urbain street

REPORT : Repression, Discrimination and Québec’s 2012 Student Strike

[en traduction – bientôt en français] I have been waiting for the report (Répression, discrimination et la grève étudiante: analyse et témoignages for a while and I look forward to reading it more closely. The report (currently in French only)

REPORT : Repression, Discrimination and Québec’s 2012 Student Strike

[en traduction – bientôt en français] I have been waiting for the report (Répression, discrimination et la grève étudiante: analyse et témoignages for a while and I look forward to reading it more closely. The report (currently in French only)

Dig Where You March: Scratching the Surface with Archived Imagery

More than four months have passed since the first votes were cast in general assemblies across Québec that initiated the student strike against tuition increases. Since its onset, the unlimited general strike has emerged into a pillar among others within

Dig Where You March: Scratching the Surface with Archived Imagery

More than four months have passed since the first votes were cast in general assemblies across Québec that initiated the student strike against tuition increases. Since its onset, the unlimited general strike has emerged into a pillar among others within